Unions to commemorate International Workers Memorial Day

27 April 2020

Union and community members are being urged to tune in online this year as the Covid-19 pandemic prevents face to face commemorative services being held to mark International Workers Memorial Day.

Unions Tasmania would usually hold a service at the Workers Memorial Park in Launceston as well as a service in Hobart but has moved events online this year.

International Workers Memorial Day is marked annually across the globe on the 28th of April as we remember those workers who were injured or killed at work.

Everyone deserves to return home safe and healthy after a day at work, said Jessica Munday, Unions Tasmania Secretary. But too many workers die on the job and many more are injured. International Workers Memorial Day is about remembering those who were killed or injured at work and reaffirming our commitment to continue to fight for better safety laws and protections for workers.

In Tasmania, 7823 workers compensation claims were lodged last year. State wide, there have been 87 fatalities over the last ten years (2009-2018) according to WorkSafe. These numbers dont tell the full picture, however, with many diseases and worker suicides not making the official statistics, said Ms Munday.

Workplace health and safety has never been more important in the face of a global pandemic that is creating additional risks to workers. Many workers, including health workers in Tasmania, have contracted Covid-19 because of their job. All workers are having to deal with changes to their work environments to keep them safe. Front line workers are putting their own health and safety at risk to serve the community.

Covid-19 and its impact on workers further demonstrates the need for safe workplaces. This International Workers Memorial Day, we will also give thanks to workers on the front line of the pandemic, said Jessica Munday.


When: Tomorrow, Tuesday 28 April 2020

Where: Unions Tasmania, 212 Liverpool Street, Hobart

Time: 12:30pm

FB livestream: https://www.facebook.com/unionstasmania/

Media are welcome to attend the short service (approximately 20 minutes) and obtain comment from speakers after the event.

For further information: Jessica Munday 0417 454 809

Media release - Unions to mark International Workers' Memorial Day 270420.pdf