Unions Tasmania welcomes Tasmanian Government support for local migrant workers

22 April 2020

The Tasmanian Government has today announced they will not turn their back on temporary visa holders and will offer additional financial support to migrant workers with a $3 million support package.

These measures are welcomed by Unions Tasmania who have been campaigning strongly for more support for migrant workers in our state.

Unions Tasmania and our affiliate unions had been contacted by hundreds of migrant workers desperate for support. We hear harrowing stories from migrant workers who cant get home, who consider Australia their home, but who are facing destitution and homelessness, said Unions Tasmania Secretary, Jessica Munday.

We had raised our concerns with the Government about migrant workers falling through the cracks because they are not currently eligible for JobSeeker, JobKeeper or even Medicare. Were pleased the Tasmanian Government have listened and acted, said Ms Munday.

Unions Tasmania says these additional measures recognise that the current JobKeeper wage subsidy fails to support all workers and is amplifying calls to the Federal Treasurer to extend the payment.

This comes on the back of yesterdays preliminary unemployment figures that indicate up to 20,000 jobs have been lost in Tasmania since late March and that our unemployment rate could hit double digits for the first time since the 1990s.

The State Government has come to the table with additional support for migrant workers and now its the Federal Governments turn. Treasurer Frydenberg has the power to extend the JobKeeper wage subsidy to all workers, including migrant workers, without the need for Parliament to return. He should move swiftly to do this, said Ms Munday.

For further comment: Jessica Munday 0417 454 809

Unions Tasmania welcomes Tasmanian Government support for local migrant workers 220420.pdf