Unions Tasmania slams Government for forcing close contacts back to work

10 January 2022

Unions Tasmania has slammed the Gutwein and Morrison Governments for changing the rules and forcing close contacts in a range of industries back into the workplace where they risk contributing to the already rapid spread of the Omicron variant of COVID19.

These plans were not consulted with unions.

Forcing close contacts back into work is unsafe, its as simple as that, said Unions Tasmania Secretary, Jessica Munday.

Health unions raised concerns about health workers returning to work and increasing the risk of passing on COVID earlier this week, yet the State Government have pressed ahead, adopting the Federal Governments reckless plan to allow close contacts working in a range of other industries such as transport to also return to work. If theyre lucky, this may provide a temporary fix but threaten supply chains with even more infections in future.

Isolating close contacts has been a critical plank of our efforts to slow the spread of COVID and protect the health of the community. Now the Governments plan has clearly failed, theyre dropping effective control measures that help keep workers safe.

Government need to listen to unions as the representatives of workers, like they did early in the pandemic. They need to focus on measures that will help protect workers including increasing financial support, implementing paid pandemic leave, accelerating booster programs and, importantly, making rapid antigen tests truly free and accessible, said Ms Munday.


For further information: Jessica Munday 0417 454 809

Media release - Unions Tasmania slams Government for forcing close contacts back to work 100122.pdf