Unions rally for local jobs as trade agreements fail workers

12 November 2019

Hundreds of union and community members will rally in Devonport today as unions continue to campaign against trade agreements that sell out local jobs and

undermine workers wages and conditions.

There are currently 1.4 million people in Australia on temporary visas with work rights. At the same time, we have record low wage growth and high youth unemployment. Yet the Morrison Liberal Government continues to sign Australia up to trade deals that dont support local jobs. Recently, the Labor Party also voted in the Parliament to support these dud deals, said Jessica Munday, Unions Tasmania Secretary.

These trade deals, negotiated in secret, dont guarantee jobs have to be advertised locally before employers can bring in labour from overseas, workers that we know are often exploited. They also include Investor State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) clauses that let multinationals sue our Government if our laws hurt their profits.

Tasmanias unemployment rate is 6.4%, over the national average of 5.3%. Our youth unemployment rate for the North West and West Cost is shocking at over 15%. Tasmanias politicians from all sides of politics should be fighting for jobs here, not signing up to dodgy trade deals that dont benefit Tasmanian workers, said Ms Munday.


WHEN: Tuesday the 12th of November 2019

WHERE: Paranaple Centre (Providore Place), Rooke Street, Devonport

TIME: 12:30pm

SPEAKERS: Jessica Munday, Secretary, Unions Tasmania

Alisha Bull, Deputy Secretary, Maritime Union of Australia Tasmania Branch

Jacob Batt, State Organiser, Australian Manufacturing Workers Union

For further information contact Jessica Munday on 0417 454 809

Media Alert: Unions really for local jobs as trade agreements fail workers 121119.pdf