Union women to protest sexual harassment at work

02 December 2018

Union women will gather in the Hobart Mall tomorrow to protest sexual harassment at work while also encouraging the community to participate in the Australian Human Rights Commissions national inquiry into sexual harassment in the workplace.

This action coincides with activities across the country as part of 16 days of action against gendered violence. Sixteen days of action occur each year between the 25th of November and the 10th of December as a time to spotlight violence against women and children.

We know the rules at work are broken for women, said Unions Tasmania Secretary, Jessica Munday. We recently saw the results released by the national peak body for unions, the ACTU, that revealed more than 1 in 2 women experience sexual harassment at work but only small numbers of women actually report it for fear of repercussions and consequences in their employment.

The Australian Human Rights Commission has described sexual harassment in Australian workplaces as widespread and pervasive. During this years 16 days of activism, we are urging women to share their experiences with the AHRC National Inquiry as well as with their union so we can work together on eliminating gender based violence, in the workplace and the community, said Ms Munday.

Shadow Minister for Workplace Relations, Sarah Lovell MLC, will join union women for their action.


WHEN: Monday the 3rd of December 2018

TIME: 10am

Where: Elizabeth Street Mall

Outside Jay Jays

Contact: Jessica Munday 0417 454 809

Union women to protest sexual harassment at work.pdf