Union leaders to boycott Budget Breakfast at Wrest Point in support of striking workers

14 June 2018

While business leaders gather inside Wrest Point tomorrow to hear from Treasurer Peter Gutwein following todays State Budget, union leaders will not attend in a show of support for striking United Voice Casino workers.

United Voice members are currently in dispute with Wrest Point over their enterprise agreement. They have been forced into taking industrial action in an attempt to get the company to move on cutting important conditions like rostering arrangements that allow them to balance their work and home lives.

Unions Tasmania Secretary, Jessica Munday, said union leaders could not support attending an event at Wrest Point while the industrial action and dispute was ongoing.

Quotes attributable to Jessica Munday:

Federal Group spent undisclosed (but likely large) amounts of money during the recent State Election under the guise of caring about the jobs of their employees, however; once the spotlight of an election has passed, we see that they dont back up their words with action.

The Tasmanian union movement supports United Voice members in their campaign to protect their wages and conditions. This is just another example of how the pendulum has swung too far in favour of business at the expense of workers. Thats why we are fighting to Change the Rules to win more secure jobs and decent pay rises.

Quotes attributable to Jessica Sanders:

Casino members have been taking industrial action for four weeks now and they are completely fed up. Casino workers just want what any employee would want, to maintain their current conditions and receive a wage increase that keeps up with the cost of living.

The rostering change and low wage increase the company is currently proposing would have a significant impact on the lives of their employees, and is a kick in the teeth from a business that makes such large amounts of money off the back of their employees.

WHEN: Friday the 15th of June TIME: 7am 7:30am

WHERE: Sandy Bay Road traffic lights (near Wrest Point)

DETAILS: Union members will be protesting as business leaders arrive. Union officials and workers from the Casino will be available for comment during this time or via phone following the breakfast.

For comment: Unions Tasmania Secretary Jessica Munday 0417 454 809

United Voice Acting State Secretary Jessica Sanders 0424 370 663

Union leaders to boycott Budget Breakfast at Wrest Point in support of striking workers.pdf