Too many Tasmanians are being injured at work

21 August 2019

Work shouldnt hurt and our workplaces are not the safe places they should be, according to Unions Tasmania Secretary, Jessica Munday, following the Tasmanian results of a recent work health and safety survey conducted by the Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU).

The national Work Shouldnt Hurt survey attracted more than 26,000 respondents in total with 1,200 Tasmanian workers having their say. Some of the key Tasmanian results of the survey include:

  • 83% of Tasmanian respondents have suffered a workplace injury or illness;
  • 79% know someone who has been seriously injured or become ill because of their work;
  • 62% have suffered a psychological injury or illness due to work;
  • 78% believe the penalties faced by employers are not enough to make them take health and safety seriously.

These are terrible results and give us an indication of how unsafe Tasmanian workplaces are, said Ms. Munday. Over 7,000 Tasmanian workers made claims for workers compensation last financial year. We believe that number to be much higher with many workers not claiming workers compensation, especially for psychological injuries, because of the stigma and grief the process causes them.

We need all levels of Government to take action to make our workplaces safer. That means better regulation around psychological injuries, tough penalties for employers who dont do the right thing and a well-funded Regulator who is prepared to take strong action with employers when they dont put safety first, said Ms. Munday.

In 2018, the Government commissioned a report into Australias model work health and safety (WHS) laws resulting in the Boland Review, which made 34 recommendations to strengthen our WHS laws. Jessica Munday will be joined by local workers today who will call on the Hodgman Government to implement all of the recommendations of the Review.

WHEN: Wednesday the 21st of August

WHERE: Unions Tasmania, 212 Liverpool Street, Hobart

TIME: 11:00am

WHAT: Jessica Munday and a corrections officer, child safety worker and paramedic will all be available for comment.

For further information contact Jessica Munday on 0417 454 809

Media Release: Too many Tasmanians are being injured at work.pdf

Link to the report Work Shouldn't Hurt: A survey on the state of work health and safety in Australia