Tasmanians to march for International Womens Day (IWD)

02 March 2020

Unions Tasmania will be joined by women and men from across the community at its inaugural International Womens Day (IWD) march in Hobart today.

The collective action of women and, in particular, union women have seen major gains for women in Australia over recent decades, from winning the right to vote, to anti-discrimination laws and more flexible workplace rights and conditions. This is a positive thing, said Unions Tasmania Secretary, Jessica Munday.

But Ms Munday says that while International Womens Day is in part a celebration of these achievements, it is also a time to be honest about the huge amount of work that still needs to be done in support of gender equality. Equal pay exists on paper only. The gender pay gap remains stubbornly high. For Tasmanian women, it stands at $135.30 per week. Sexual harassment is rife in our workplaces. Women face specific challenges in terms of housing and homelessness, said Ms Munday.

Violence against women is now a national crisis. The horrific murder of Hannah Clarke and her children on the 19th of February has called into focus the need for more drastic action to eliminate gendered violence. This needs to be Government led and include significant resources devoted to support services for women and children to escape violent homes.

Today, were raising our voices for gender equality, said Ms Munday.

In addition to local workers, Her Excellency Professor the Honourable Kate Warner AC, Governor of Tasmania, will also address the gathering.


When: Today, Monday 2 March 2020

Where: Franklin Square, Hobart Time: 12:05pm

Media are invited to the event ahead of the 12:15pm commencement to get additional comment from speakers.

For further information: Jessica Munday 0417 454 809

Media release - Intenational Women's Day March 2020.pdf