Tasmanian unions back national campaign to change the rules for working people

21 March 2018

Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) Secretary, Sally McManus, gave a rousing speech to the National Press Club today which will be welcomed by workers in Tasmania and across the country. The union movement has now outlined how the rules at work need changing so our system can deliver for workers.

Unions Tasmania Secretary, Jessica Munday, said the issues raised by McManus would be familiar to so many workers across our State.

Since 2017, Tasmanian unions have been campaigning on issues including job security, low wage growth, and wage theft. We know that our workplace laws need to change to deliver jobs Tasmanians can count on, said Ms Munday.

Through consultation with union members and workers, and also recently through the State Election, we were out in the community every day talking to working people across Tasmania. We heard first had the effects of casualised jobs and low wages on workers and their families.

We met people who were working anywhere between 2 and 5 casual jobs trying to make ends meet. We met people who called themselves permanent casuals because they had worked full time hours for their current employer for many years but were never given the option of job security. We met families who told us they had to make devastating choices between school excursions and putting food on the table. Working people deserve better, said Ms Munday.

Unions Tasmania will join with the ACTU and the broader trade union movement to campaign for rules at work that deliver fairness back to working people.

For further information: Jessica Munday 0417 454 809

Tasmanian unions back national campaign to change the rules for working people.pdf