Tasmanian union and community members to march for May Day

15 May 2021

Hundreds of union and community members will gather today for belated May Day celebrations in Hobart.

May Day events were cancelled in 2020 due to COVID restrictions that banned gatherings at the time and this years event, originally scheduled for the 1st of May, was pushed out due to the State Election.

To say that workers are looking forward to finally getting together to celebrate May Day is an understatement, said Unions Tasmania Secretary, Jessica Munday. May Day is special to unionists as its about celebrating the achievements of workers and the positive contribution weve made to improving workplaces and our community. Its now been two years since weve been able to march together.

The last twelve months have been hard for everyone and have been particularly hard on workers who faced sackings, reduced hours and stand-downs. It was workers that carried us through the pandemic. Today, we march not just to recognise historic union achievements but to celebrate everything workers have done to keep us safe and keep our country moving through the pandemic, said Ms Munday.

ACTU President, Michele ONeil, will also join the march.

March details

WHEN: Saturday 15 May 2021

WHERE: CPSU office (rear entrance via Victoria Street)

TIME: Jessica Munday and ACTU President Michele ONeil will be available for comment at 11:30am

before the march kicks off at 12 noon for a loop around the CBD.

For further information contact Jessica Munday on 0417 454 809

Media release: Tasmanian union and community members to march for May Day.pdf