Premier Gutwein will need to work hard to win over working Tasmanians

20 January 2020

While new leadership offers a chance to reset relationships and priorities, Peter Gutwein will have to work hard to win the trust and confidence of Tasmanian workers, says the states peak body for workers.

Upon election to Government, Mr Gutwein sacked nearly 1,000 public sector workers, attempted to freeze their wages and override the Tasmanian Industrial Commission.

More recently, he teamed up with Will Hodgman to deliver further damaging cuts of $450 million that an already struggling public sector cannot afford and doesnt deserve.

Against this backdrop, Premier Gutwein will have a lot of work to do to convince workers hes on their side.

In addition to the attacks on workers in the public sector, Peter Gutwein has been a senior member in a Government that has shown no appetite to tackle the big issues facing Tasmanian workers, said Unions Tasmania Secretary, Jessica Munday.

These include low wages and rising living costs, casualisation of jobs, high youth unemployment and workers not being able to get enough hours in their jobs to live on. Workers will be watching closely to see if the new Premier has any policy plans or desire to tackle these issues and bridge widening inequality that is hurting to many Tasmanians, said Ms Munday.

Media release - Premier Gutwein will need to work hard to win over working Tasmanians.pdf