Launceston Secure Jobs Forum to highlight incidence and impact of insecure work in Tasmania

02 September 2021

Unions Tasmania will tonight host a forum in Launceston to discuss the incidence and impact of insecure work across the State. This follows the release of a new report by the Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) and Unions Tasmania that shows Tasmania has more workers that are casual and on lower wages than the rest of Australia. Key take outs from the report include:

  • Tasmania has the highest level of casual work (26.6% of all employees) of any state and is 4.7% higher than the national average.
  • Around one in three employed people in Tasmania are on insecure, nonstandard work arrangements including casual, independent contractor or fixed term contracts.
  • Over 20,000 workers in Tasmania work more than one job.

Quotes attributed to Unions Tasmania Secretary, Jessica Munday:
The fact that Tasmanians have the most casualised, insecure jobs in the country is appalling, but wont come as a surprise to the tens of thousands of workers here without job security.
The coronavirus pandemic has highlighted how important it is to have a permanent job, not just during a disaster. We hear from people all the time who cant get a rental, cant plan their childcare, and dont know if they can afford to put food on the table.
This is not just a private sector issue either we hear it from people working in the public sector too.

Quotes attributable to ACTU Secretary, Sally McManus:
Tasmanian workers are more insecure and lower paid than workers in any other state or territory. Insecure work means that more than a quarter of workers in Tasmania dont have a reliable income and have no paid leave entitlements.
The recovery from this pandemic will be an opportunity to determine what kind of country we want to live in and what basic rights all working people should be able to rely on. Insecure work means a life of uncertainty and stress, not knowing how much youll get paid week to week and not being able to plan your future.
Tasmanians have been let down by state and federal governments. Too many Tasmanians are left without a reliable job. The Federal Government should be protecting jobs and making them more secure, not waving through attack after attack from big business on our most basic rights.

WHEN: Today, Thursday 2 September
WHERE: Invermay Bowls Club TIME: 5:30pm
WHAT: Jessica Munday and workers in insecure jobs will speak at the forum and be available for comment following the event.

For further information contact Jessica Munday on 0417 454 809

Media Release: Launceston Secure Jobs Forum to highlight incidence and impact of insecure work in Tasmania 020921.pdf

Access the Spotlight on Job Insecurity and Wages: Tasmania report under Latest News.