Change the Rules rallies to be held across Tasmania

24 October 2018

Union and community members will attend rallies across Tasmania today as they take to the streets calling for fairer pay rises and more secure jobs.

State public sector workers will be joining the rallies after stopping work in their ongoing campaign to force the State Government to scrap the unfair 2% wages cap. They will be joining private sector workers from all different industries who are facing the same issues of low wage growth and insecure work.

Wage growth is at near record lows, with four out of five working people not getting pay rises that keep up the cost of living, said Unions Tasmania Secretary, Jessica Munday.

Tasmanian families are finding it harder and harder to make ends meet because of our low wages. Theyre also struggling to find secure work with 40% of Australians now in some form of casual or insecure work arrangement. Working people are absolutely fed up and are demanding change, said Ms Munday.

Rally locations

WHEN: Wednesday the 24th of October

TIME: 3pm

Where: Franklin Square, Hobart

Ockerby Gardens, Launceston

North West Regional Hospital, Burnie

AEU Office 63 Best Street, Devonport

Portland Hall, St Helens,

Media contacts for each location are listed below

Hobart: Jessica Munday 0417 454 809

Launceston: Thirza White 0412 700 148

Burnie: Emily Shepherd 0400 884 021

Devonport: Alisha Bull 0448 377 378

St Helens: Lucie Ellis xxxx xxxx xxx

Change the Rules rallies to be held across Tasmania.pdf