Braddon community and union members gearing up to Change the Rules

08 June 2018

Union members and supporters will gather in Devonport tomorrow to locally launch the combined unions Change the Rules campaign in Braddon.

Unions Tasmania Secretary, Jessica Munday, will talk with union and community members about the campaign for better wages, secure jobs, restoring penalty rates and ensuring the Government puts working families before big business.

Ms Munday will be joined a local cleaner and aged care worker who will talk about their experiences under a broken system.

Community support for the Change the Rules campaign is building across Tasmania and Australia. There have been meetings, rallies and demonstrations. This is because people are overwhelmingly concerned about the casualisation of jobs, wage theft and the difficulty securing decent pay rises, said Ms Munday.

With Malcolm Turnbull in charge, the system has been stacked against workers who can see their living standards falling. The Liberal Government, on the other hand, is focussed on dishing out $80B in corporate tax cuts to big business, multinationals and banks, despite the corruption and illegality uncovered during the Banking Royal Commission.

People around Tasmania are telling us that working people need better, fairer and stronger rights at work to win decent pay rises and secure jobs. With the second tranche of penalty rate cuts set to hit on the 1st of July, workers are getting ready to Change the Rules, said Ms Munday.

WHEN: Saturday the 9th of June

TIME: 9:45am for a 10am start

WHERE: Devonport Harness Club (Upstairs Grandstand), Devonport Showgrounds, corner of

Gunn and Parker Street, entry via Parker Street

COMMENT: Unions Tasmania Secretary, Jessica Munday, and two local workers

*Vision only for media organisations inside the meeting interviews available before or after

For further information: Jessica Munday 0417 454 809

Braddon community and union members gearing up to Change the Rules.pdf