ACTU Secretary Sally McManus to visit workers in Bass

10 May 2022

ACTU Secretary Sally McManus will be visiting workplaces in Bass tomorrow to speak with working Tasmanians about the Morrison Governments cost of living crisis as early voting opens ahead of next weeks federal election.

Wages for working people in Australia went backwards by an average of $800 in 2021, and workers stand to lose a further $2000 in the first half of 2022 alone.

If wage growth had simply kept pace with productivity gains made by workers under this Government then workers in Bass would have an extra $6000 in their pockets.

Approximately 2 in 5 workers in the seat of Bass are in insecure work one of the highest rates in the country. Meanwhile Tasmanians are paying 8.2% more for groceries, 27.2% more for fuel and 8.9% more for medical services than they were 12 months ago.

Housing costs went up by nearly 30% in Tasmania in 2021 - the fastest growth in the country, and ten times faster than Tasmanian wages.

Tasmanian workers deserve a Government that will prioritise the creation of jobs that are secure and well paid. We cannot afford 3 more years of the Morrison Government.

Quotes attributable to Unions Tasmania Secretary Jessica Munday:

Tasmanian workers are dealing with multiple crises at the moment the cost-of-living crisis, a housing and rental crisis, and a low wage crisis.

Over twenty thousand Tasmanians are also working multiple jobs not because they want to but because they have to in order to put food on the table.

There is no solution to rising living costs that does not involve workers receiving wage rises. Scott Morrison has plenty of levers to pull to make this happen and hes chosen to do nothing.

Quotes attributable to ACTU Secretary Sally McManus:

Tasmania has some of the highest rates of insecure work and some of the lowest wages, but the cost of living keeps rising for working people. Tasmanians know that the crisis they are living through has been created by years of low wage growth under a Government which is never there when you need it.

Scott Morrison has repeatedly said that its not his job to bring down the cost of living or increase wages. Working Tasmanians cant afford another three years of this Prime Minister avoiding all his responsibilities.

Working people in Tasmania need a Government that will support them, especially those who rely on the Annual Wage Review for their pay rises. Instead, we have a Prime Minister who made a submission to the Review highlighting the importance of low-paid work. We need a Government that will do the hard work to improve the lives of working people.


WHEN: Wednesday 11 May

WHERE: SDA office, 72 York Street, Launceston

TIME: 11am

WHAT: Sally, Jessica and workers will be available for comment

Download a copy: Media Release + Alert - ACTU Secretary Sally McManus to visit workers in Bass.pdf