Change the Government, Change the Rules protest Launceston

10 April 2019

Union and community members will rally in Launceston at lunch time today as part of nationwide protests to highlight the failure of the Morrison Liberal Government to deliver secure jobs and fair pay.

The Launceston action is one of 14 protests happening across the country.

Tasmanian workers are fed up with being the low wage state. They are fed up with seeing their jobs casualised and their penalty rates cut. But all they see from the Morrison Liberal Government is denial about the struggles they face while inequality continues to grow, said Jessica Munday, Secretary of Unions Tasmania.


These protests will tell Scott Morrison that Tasmanian workers are sick of their stagnant wages and families are sick of struggling to make ends meet. Its time to change the rules and, to do that, we need to change the government, said Ms Munday.

Rally details

WHEN: Wednesday the 10th of April

WHERE: Civic Square, Launceston

TIME: 12:15pm media conference, 12:30pm rally


Jessica Munday, Secretary, Unions Tasmania

Michael Anderson, Secretary, CEPU Tasmania

Mike Folkes, local hospitality worker

Lesley Brown, public sector cleaner

Jesse Stevens, sacked seafarer


Union officials and workers will all be available to speak to the media ahead of the rally.

For further information contact Jessica Munday on 0417 454 809

Media Alert: Change the Government, Change the Rules protest Launceston.pdf